Things You'll Need:
- A pair of thinning scissors or a razor. Scissors
- Wide tooth comb. Macadamia Oil infused wide tooth comb
- A couple of clips for sectioning. Sectioning Clips
Step One:
Section your hair in two halves (section from ear to ear) comb through starting at the ends and working your way up the hair shaft to eliminate any chance of knotting.
Repeat with top section, then re-section the hair the same way after it's all been combed out.
Step Two:
Working with the bottom half of your hair (below the ears) take small sections of hair about 1-2 inches ( imagine you were curling your hair) hold the thinning scissors downwards with the tip of the blade facing at around about 45' angle to the floor.
Step Three:
Open and close the blade quickly as you run it down your hair shaft. It may not look like theres much coming off but don't cut harshly or straight on to the hair. WARNING : do NOT cut any hair in front of your ears or around your hair line including underneath, as your hair doesn't grow as thick in these areas, you could also cause little hairs to stick out, making it hard to manage.
Repeat this with small sections at a time, until you have your desired thickness.
*Thinning scissors have little teeth that cut the hair in small sections creating a layered effect thats hidden behind your longer hair giving the appearance of thinner hair ( phewww that was confusing to explain!) This means you can't just use a normal pair of hairdressing scissors as they do not have these ridges. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT use everyday kitchen scissors, these will be blunt, you may not think it, but they will, this could cause more damage to your hair as the blade won't give a crisp cut, causing your split ends to run higher up the hair shaft, meaning later down the line you'll need to cut more hair then necessary when you get a trim.*

- The higher up your hair shaft you thin, the thinner your ends will be.
- Don't get carried away and cut too much.
- Comb out the section of hair after you cut as this will get rid of any hair trapped and show you a better result of how your hair will look and feel.
- Only thin your hair if you understand what I'm blabbering on about, I really don't want anyone ruining their hair because of me. However, if you follow these steps then it should work, as it worked for me.
- Using a razor just run it down the hair shaft in the same direction as you would the scissors, however you won't need to cut as much off (not sure why but a razor takes more off so be careful)
- If you are a young age, ask your mum, sister or friend to help you.
Final Result!
If you still don't understand, I'll wait until my hair needs a trim and show you in a video.